Botanical Collections of Belarus

Herbarium of vascular plants of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the NASB (MSK)

Herbarium of vascular plants of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the NASB (MSK)[photo]
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Name of the Institution:Institute of Experimental Botany
Address:220733, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Ô. Ñêîðèíû 27
Head of the Institution:Laman N.A.
Phone:375-017- 2842015
Curators:Tretyakov D.I. Skuratovich A.N. 
Caretakers:Parphyonov V.I.  Vynaev G.V.
Foundation:1922 year
Preservations conditions:satisfactory
Access to the collections:Yes
Belongs to:National Academy of Science of Belarus
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:more 100.000
Description by:Tretyakov D.I.
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
