Botanical Collections of Belarus

Winter Garden School � 113 (Minsk)

Winter Garden School ¹ 113 (Minsk)
Name of the Institution:Winter Garden School ¹ 113 (Minsk)
Address:220073, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Pushkin-street 48
Phone:375-017 254 03 50, 254 30 27
Curators:Lyah H.A. Muravyov A.V. 
Caretakers:Lunina N.M.  
Foundation:1994 year
Preservations conditions:satisfactory
Form of Registration:registration cards
Access to the collections:Yes
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS, private collections
Belongs to:Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus
Collection Maintains:specimens
Description by:Lyah H.A.
