Botanical Collections of Belarus

Mogilev region

Herbarium of Kostyukovichy region flora (Kostyukovichy Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Name of the Institution:Kostyukovichy Regional Museum
Address:213640, Mogilev region, Kostjukovichsky district, г. Костюковичи, Ленинская 21
Phone:(02245) 21671
Curators:Kamjshyeva S.I.  
Foundation:1994 year
Preservations conditions:satisfactory
Form of Registration:inventory book
Access to the collections:Yes
Collection Area:Belarus: Kostjukovichsky district
Belongs to:Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Description by:Ageeva L.S.
