Botanical Collections of Belarus

Ligneous plants

Arboretum of the Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Name of the Institution:Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Address:220023, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Макаенка 8
Curators:Rysenkova T.A. Kovalevskaya O.M. 
Caretakers:Treskovets L.K.  Kosurina V.V.
Foundation:1971 year
Preservations conditions:satisfactory
Access to the collections:No
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS, Ботанический сад Негорельского учебно-опытного хозяйства; Lithuania: Botanical Garden Вильнюсского пединститута
Collection Maintains:taxa
Description by:Rysenkova T.A.
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