Botanical Collections of Belarus

Ligneous plants

Forest seed plantation of Lida Forestry Farm
Name of the Institution:Lida Forestry Farm
Address:231300, Grodno region, Lidsky district, Lida, пер. Фурманова 10
Phone:(01561) 42654
Fax:375-17- (01561) 4-44-60
Curators:Glotko O.N. Roman V.B. Chodkevich A.A.
Caretakers:Glotko O.N.  
Foundation:1989 year
Preservations conditions:satisfactory
Form of Registration:registration cards
Access to the collections:Yes
Belongs to:Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
Collection Maintains:деревья, шт
Description by:Chodkevich A.A.
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