Botanical Collections of Belarus


Briology Herbarium of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the NASB (MSK)
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Rykovsky G.F.  
Foundations:1922 year
Name of the Institution:Institute of Experimental Botany
Address:220733, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Ф. Скорины 27
Head of the Institution:Laman N.A.
Collection Area:Belarus; Carpathians; the Crimea; Средняя и Южная Asia; the Caucasus; Siberia; Far East; Western Europe
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:more 35.000
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Bryophyta and lichens of Berezino Biosphere Reserve
Curators:Ivkovich Eu.N.  
Foundations:1998 year
Name of the Institution:Berezensky State Biosphere Reserve
Address:211188, Vitebsk region, Lepelsky district, д. Домжерицы,  
Collection Area:Belarus: Lepelsky district, Berezinsky Biospheric National Reserve
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Мохообразные - 49 листов; Лишайники - 14.
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Herbarium of the Botanical Garden of the Belorussian State University of Technology
Curators:Klimchik G.Ya.  
Foundations:1947 year
Name of the Institution:the Botanical Garden of the Belorussian State University of Technology
Address:222730, Minsk region, Dzerzhinsky district, п. Городище,  
Collection Area:Belarus: Botanical garden of the Belorussian State University, БСХА; Ukraine: ЦРБС НАНУ , Черниговская обл., Тростянец; Russia: Novosibirsk, St.-Petersburg; Poland: Рогов
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of the Forest and Man Mosty State Museum
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Jurevuch V.Ye.  
Foundations:1989 year
Name of the Institution:Forest and Man Mosty State Museum
Address:231600, Grodno region, Mostovsky district, г. Мосты, Советская 34а
Collection Area:Belarus: Mostovsky district
Collection Maintains:гербарный лист
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Herbarium of Grodno State Agricultural Institute
Curators:Karpach Ye.B. Shishko N.Ye. 
Foundations:1955 year
Name of the Institution:Grodno State Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Plants Protection
Address:230600, Grodno region, Grodnensky district, Grodno, ул. Терешковой 28
Collection Area:Belarus: Grodno and Brest regions
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Count:более 15.000
Addenda:около 300 видов
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Herbarium of vascular plants
Curators:Martynenko V.P.  
Foundations:1955 year
Name of the Institution:Vitebsk State Uniersity, Biology Faculty
Address:210036, Vitebsk region, Vitebsky district, Vitebsk, Московский пр. 33
Collection Area:Belarus: Vitebsk region
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Около 1000 видов.
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of vascular plants (Berezino Biosphere Reserve)
Curators:Stavrovskaya L.A.  
Foundations:1969 year
Name of the Institution:Berezensky State Biosphere Reserve
Address:211188, Vitebsk region, Lepelsky district, д. Домжерицы,  
Collection Area:Belarus: Lepelsky district, Berezinsky Biospheric National Reserve
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Плауновидные - 20; Хвощевидные - 25; Папоротниковидные - 40; Голосеменные - 5; Покрытосеменные - 5690.
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Herbarium of vascular plants of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the NASB (MSK)[photo]
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Tretyakov D.I. Skuratovich A.N. 
Foundations:1922 year
Name of the Institution:Institute of Experimental Botany
Address:220733, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Ф. Скорины 27
Head of the Institution:Laman N.A.
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:more 100.000
Addenda:более 100 листов топо- и автотипов видов, описанных с территории бывшего СССР, ценные коллекции 19 и начала 20 столетий
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of vascular plants of Pripyat National Park
Foundations:1970 year
Name of the Institution:Pripyatsky National Park
Address:247980, Gomel region, Zhitkovitchsky district, Turov, Ленинская 127
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Плауновидные - 5 таксонов; Хвощевидные - 7 таксонов; Папоротниковидные - 10; Голосеменные - 3; Покрытосеменные - 801 таксоно
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Herbarium of Belarusssian Polesye (the Department of Botany and Physiology of Plants of Gomel State University)
Curators:Valetov V.V.  
Foundations:1944 year
Name of the Institution:Gomel State University, биологический факультет
Address:246699, Gomel region, Gomelsky district, Gomel, ул. Советская 108, 3-15а
Collection Area:Belarus: юго-восточная часть
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Count:более 30.000
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of Belovezhskaya Pushcha fungal diseases
Curators:Romanjuk I.G.  
Foundations:1965 year
Name of the Institution:State National Park Belavezhskaya Pushcha
Address:225063, Brest region, Kamenetsky district, д. Каменюки,  
Collection Area:Belarus: State National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of Belovezhskaya Pushcha vascular plants
Curators:Dvorak L.Eu. Grushyevskaya O.M. 
Foundations:1948 year
Name of the Institution:State National Park Belavezhskaya Pushcha
Address:225063, Brest region, Kamenetsky district, д. Каменюки,  
Collection Area:Belarus: Brest region, Kamenetz district, Belovezhskaya Pushcha
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Плауновидные - 90; Хвощевидные - 40; Голосеменные - 20; Покрытосеменные - 6350
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Herbarium of Brest State University
Curators:Burdin A.V. Veremtchuk O.N. Zhukovsky A.T.
Foundations:1970 year
Name of the Institution:Brest State University, Biology Faculty
Address:224005, Brest region, Brestsky district, Brest, ул. Б. космонавтов 21
Collection Area:Belarus: Brest region; Russia - Ivanovsk region; Ukraine - Crimea; Poland - Седлецкое и Краковское воеводство Польша - Седлецкое и Краковское воеводства
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Count:около 5.000
Addenda:структура: фондовый гербарий - 4000; учебный - 1000. Среди них: ; Лишайники - 100; Папоротниковидные - 100;
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Herbarium of Cherikovsky region (Chiricov Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Sycheva L.F.  
Foundations:1996 year
Name of the Institution:Chericov Regional Museum
Address:213530, Mogilev region, Cherikovsky district, Cherikov, Ленинская 180
Collection Area:Belarus: Cherikovsky district
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of Gomel Regional Museum
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Ageev M.Z.  
Foundations:1975 year
Name of the Institution:Gomel Regional Museum
Address:246050, Gomel region, Gomelsky district, Gomel, центр 
Collection Area:Belarus: Zhitkovitchsky and Chechersky districts of Gomel region, National park Pripyatski
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Плауновидные - 10; Хвощевидные - 13; Папоротниковидные - 46;
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Herbarium of Grodno State Archaeology Museum
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Mazan Eu.V.  
Foundations:1956 year
Name of the Institution:Grodno State Archaeology Museum
Address:230023, Grodno region, Grodnensky district, Grodno, Замковая 20
Collection Area:Belarus: Grodnensky district, Беловежская пуща
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Count:около 1000
Addenda:гербарий флоры Беларуси - 794 вида, охраняемые растения Гродненской области - 20 видов, декоративные растения - 21 вид, интродуцированные древесно-кустарниковые растения Беловежской пущи - 52 вида, флора Беловежской пущи - 190 видов
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Herbarium of introdused plants of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus (MSKH)[photo]| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Kuzmenkova S.M. Nosylovsky O.A. 
Foundations:1932 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Gardens of NAS, other parks and gardens; Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Kirghizia
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:about 13000
Addenda:more than 3610 species and intraspecific taxa of 762 genera belonging to 177 families: including cultivares (sorts) ~ 1110
[List of sheets]
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of Kostyukovichy region flora (Kostyukovichy Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Kamjshyeva S.I.  
Foundations:1994 year
Name of the Institution:Kostyukovichy Regional Museum
Address:213640, Mogilev region, Kostjukovichsky district, г. Костюковичи, Ленинская 21
Collection Area:Belarus: Kostjukovichsky district
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of Krichev region flora (Krichev Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Zhmachinskaya G.N.  
Foundations:1968 year
Name of the Institution:Krichev Regional Museum
Address:213500, Mogilev region, Krichesky district, Krichev, Ленинская 46а
Collection Area:Belarus: Krichesky district
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of Kruglyansk region flora (Kruglyansk Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Nakorneeva L.V.  
Foundations:1991 year
Name of the Institution:Kruglyansk Regional Museum
Address:213180, Mogilev region, Krugliansky district, п.г.т. Круглое, Советская 40
Collection Area:Belarus: Krugliansky district
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of lichen-forming Fungi of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus (MSKH)| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Bely P.N.  
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Belarus
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:about 5000
Addenda:~ 187 species
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of medicinal plants (assembled by Robert L. Ulrih, the 70s of the XIX century)
Curators:Martynenko V.P. Merzhvinsky L.M. 
Foundations:1876 year
Name of the Institution:Vitebsk Regional Museum
Address:210026, Vitebsk region, Vitebsky district, Vitebsk, Ленина 36
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of medicinal plants (Turov Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Klakotskaya T.N. Karas V.M. 
Foundations:1988 year
Name of the Institution:Turov Regional Museum
Address:247980, Gomel region, Zhitkovitchsky district, Turov, Кирова 21
Collection Area:Belarus: National park Pripyatski
Collection Maintains:taxa
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Herbarium of Mogilev city and Mogilev region flora (Mogilev State University)
Curators:Bondareva F.P. Suzdalyeva L.F. Yelenskaya L.M.
Foundations:1992 year
Name of the Institution:Mogilev State University,
Address:212030, Mogilev region, Mogilevsky district, Mogilev, ул. Первомайская 44
Collection Area:Belarus: Mogilevsky district
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Споровые - 27; Голосеменные - 5; Покрытосеменные - 243 листа
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Herbarium of Mogilev region flora (Mogilev Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Baranova M.N. Grummo D.G. 
Foundations:1964 year
Name of the Institution:Mogilev Regional Museum
Address:212030, Mogilev region, Mogilevsky district, Mogilev, Советская площадь 1
Collection Area:Belarus: Brest region (Барановичский, Березовский, Дрогичинский, Малорицкий); Vitebsk region (Докшицкий, Lepelsky districts, Berezinsky Biospheric National Reserve); Gomel region (Брагинский, Калинковичский, Мозырский, Речицкий districts); Grodno region
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:аутентики - 32 таксонов; Лишайники - 63; Моховидные - 71; Плауновидные - 5; Хвощевидные - 4; Папоротниковидные - 4. Эксикаты - 745 таксонов,
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Herbarium of rare and protected plants (Pleshchenitsky Children Community Center)
Curators:Minkyevich L.L.  
Foundations:1990 year
Name of the Institution:Pleshchenitsky Children Community Center
Address:223130, Minsk region, Logojsky district, г. п. Плещеницы, Воровского 35
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
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Herbarium of the Botany Department of the Biology Faculty of the Belarussian State University
Curators:Zubkyevich G.I. Sautkina T.M. 
Foundations:1924 year
Name of the Institution:Belorussian State University, биологический факультет
Address:223049, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Kurchatov-street 5
Collection Area:Belarus; reserves Ascania Nova and Стрелецкая Степь, Беломорская биологическая станция МГУ, Kirghizia, Far East, other
Collection Maintains:гербарный лист
Count:около 40.000
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus (MSKH)[photo]| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Kuzmenkova S.M. Nosylovsky O.A. 
Foundations:1932 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Gardens of NAS, other parks and gardens; Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Kirghizia
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:about 10000
Addenda:more than 3910 species and intraspecific taxa of 1009 genera belonging to 197 families
[List of sheets]
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of the Grodnensky State University by Janka Kupala (GRSU)[photo]| Presented: 2006.11.19
Curators:Sozinov O.V. Makarova N.S. 
Foundations:1998 year
Name of the Institution:Grodnensky State University by Janka Kupala
Address:230015, Grodno region, Grodnensky district, Grodno, Dovators-street 3/1-145
Head of the Institution:Rovba Ye.A.
Collection Area:Belarus; Carpathians; the Caucasus; Scotland
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:near 5000
Addenda:vascular plants
[List of sheets]
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Herbarium of the Museum of Belarussian Nature and Ecology
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Sinkyevich N.V. Dubovik E.A. 
Foundations:1992 year
Name of the Institution:Museum of Belarussian Nature and Ecology
Address:220050, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Маркса 12
Collection Area:Belarus: Berezinsky Biospheric National Reserve, Minsk, Vitebsk, Gomel regions
Collection Maintains:гербарные образцы (листы и пакеты)
Count:около 1.500
Addenda:Лишайники - 242; Моховидные - 153
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Herbarium of Vitebsk region flora (Vitebsk Regional Museum)
Collection status:Музейный фонд Республики Беларусь
Curators:Martynenko V.P. Merzhvinsky L.M. 
Foundations:1978 year
Name of the Institution:Vitebsk Regional Museum
Address:210026, Vitebsk region, Vitebsky district, Vitebsk, Ленина 36
Collection Area:Belarus: Vitebsk region
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:Плауновидные - 9; Папоротниковидные - 14;
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Lichen Herbarium of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the NASB(MSK)
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Gapienko O. Golubkov V.V. Kobzar N.
Foundations:1922 year
Name of the Institution:Institute of Experimental Botany
Address:220733, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Ф. Скорины 27
Head of the Institution:Laman N.A.
Collection Area:Belarus; Carpathians, the Crimea, Средняя и Южная Asia, the Caucasus, Siberia, Far East, Western Europe, North America
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:more 146.000
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Micromycets of the Department of Botany of the Biology Faculty of the Belarussian State University
Curators:Girilovich I.S.  
Foundations:1987 year
Name of the Institution:Belorussian State University, биологический факультет
Address:223049, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Kurchatov-street 5
Collection Area:Belarus; reserves Ascania Nova and Стрелецкая Степь; Russia: Беломорская биологическая станция МГУ; Kirghizia, Far East, other
Collection Maintains:образцы
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Mycology Herbarium of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the NASB(MSK)
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Gapienko O. Nitievskaya V. 
Foundations:1922 year
Name of the Institution:Institute of Experimental Botany
Address:220733, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Ф. Скорины 27
Head of the Institution:Laman N.A.
Collection Area:Belarus
Collection Maintains:herbarium sheets
Count:more 40.000
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Reference herbarium of the Biology Faculty of Mogilev State University
Curators:Bondareva F.T. Yelenskaya L.M. 
Foundations:1992 year
Name of the Institution:Mogilev State University, Biology Faculty
Address:212022, Mogilev region, Mogilevsky district, Mogilev, ул. Космонавтов 1
Collection Area:Belarus: Mogilevsky district
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
Addenda:более 300 видов; Лишайники - 7; Моховидные - 11;Плауновидные - 3; Хвощевидные - 4; Папоротниковидные - 5.
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Reference herbarium of the Department of Botany of Belarussian Agricultural Academy
Curators:Borisova U.F.  
Foundations:1949 year
Name of the Institution:Belarussian Agricultural Academy, Department of Botany
Address:213410, Mogilev region, Goretsky district, г. Горки, Тимирязева уч. корпус 10
Collection Area:Belarus: Mogilev region, Vitebsk region - Berezinsky Biospheric National Reserve, Brest region - State National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha
Collection Maintains:гербарные листы
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Collections found: 36
