Botanical Collections of Belarus

Protected plants

Rare and Endangered Plants of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Bedulenko M.A. Kruchonak A.V. 
Foundations:1976 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Belarus
Collection Maintains:taxa: species
Addenda:of 106 genuses from 45 families
[List of sheets]
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
[Images of some of the exhibits]
To the smallest detail ...
Rare and protected plants of the Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Curators:Polyakova N.G.  
Foundations:1978 year
Name of the Institution:Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Address:220023, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Макаенка 8
Collection Maintains:видообразцы
Addenda:Семейства - 79; Роды - 62 - Виды - 79
[List of sheets]
To the smallest detail ...
Collections found: 2
