Botanical Collections of Belarus

Ligneous plants

Arbogarden of Glubokoye Research Forestry Farm
Curators:Lasovsky T.U. Kolontaj N.Ye. 
Foundations:1963 year
Name of the Institution:Glubokoe Research Forestry Farm
Address:211800, Vitebsk region, Gluboksky district, г. Глубокое, Пролетарская 15
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS, Трест зеленого строительства, Botanical garden of the Belorussian State University; Литва (Дубровская ЛОС), плодопитомник Кайшядорис, зеленхоз г. Вильнюс; Latvia: бс ЛАН (Саласпилс)
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:покрытосеменные - 36 семейств, голосеменные - 4 семейства
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Arbogarden of Liozno Research Forestry Farm
Name of the Institution:Liozno Forestry Farm
Address:211200, Vitebsk region, Lioznensky district, Liozno, Курортная 31
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:площадь 2,7 га
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Arbopark of Orsha Forestry Farm
Curators:Galkin V.P. Kripo M.I. 
Foundations:1985 year
Name of the Institution:Orsha Forestry Farm
Address:211030, Vitebsk region, Orschansky district, Orscha, Могилевская 106
Addenda:площадь 6 га
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Arbopark of Verhnedvinsk Forestry Farm
Curators:Pavljuchkov V. Ya.  
Foundations:1982 year
Name of the Institution:Verhnedvinsk Forestry Farm
Address:211620, Vitebsk region, Verchnedvinsky district, г. Верхнедвинск, пер. Солнечный 2
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS, Глубокский дендросад; Latvia - Arboretum Kalsnava Ciekurkalte; Russia : бс СО РАН (Novosibirsk), ЛТА (St.-Petersburg)
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:клены - 15 таксонов, ели -16, сосны - 13, пихты - 10, лиственныицы - 8, дубы- 6, березы - 8 таксонов, которые выращиваются на площади 6,3 га
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Arboreal plants of Belarussian Agricultural Academy
Curators:Mironchikova Ye.A. Zheleznova Ye.M. Syomkina L.G.
Foundations:1978 year
Name of the Institution:Belarussian Agricultural Academy, Botanical Garden
Address:213410, Mogilev region, Goretsky district, г. Горки, ул. Мичурина 5
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS; Latvia: БС ЛатАН, Riga; Russia: the Main Botanical Garden of the RAS, Moscow; Ukraine: ЦРБС НАУ
Collection Maintains:taxa
Count:около 600 названий
Addenda:лиственные - около 400; хвойные - 131; литвенные кустарники - 7
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Arboretum of Grodno State Agricultural Institute
Curators:Ivankina V.M.  
Foundations:1966 year
Name of the Institution:Grodno State Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Plants Protection
Address:230600, Grodno region, Grodnensky district, Grodno, ул. Терешковой 28
Collection Maintains:видообразец, виды
Count:984, 82
Addenda:Папоротниковидные - 6;
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Arboretum of Luzhesnyansky Technical School
Curators:Rozhkov N.T.  
Foundations:1970 year
Name of the Institution:Luzhesnyansky Technical School
Address:211311, Vitebsk region, Vitebsky district, п. Лужесно,  
Collection Maintains:taxa
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Arboretum of the Botanical Garden of the Belorussian State Technological University
Curators:Klimchik G.Ya. Zhorova A.I. 
Foundations:1954 year
Name of the Institution:the Botanical Garden of the Belorussian State University of Technology
Address:222730, Minsk region, Dzerzhinsky district, п. Городище,  
Head of the Institution:Zharsky I.M.
Collection Area:Belarus: Botanical garden of the Belorussian State University, БелСХА (Горки); Ukraine: ЦРБС АН УССР, Чернигов, Тросцянец; Russia: Novosibirsk, St.-Petersburg, Иркутск, Липецкая ЛОС, Moscow; Poland: Rogov
Collection Maintains:taxa: species, varieties, forms
Addenda:including: Coniferouses - 54
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Arboretum of the Botanical Gardens of the Belorussian State University
Curators:Kapura S.G. Glazunova N.M. Glazunova N.M.
Foundations:1930 year
Name of the Institution:Belorussian State University
Address:220050, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, av. Scorina 4
Collection Area:Research institutions of the world
Collection Maintains:taxa: species, intraspecific items
Addenda:families - 39; genuses - 91; species - 207; intraspecific items - 10
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Arboretum of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Garanowich I.M. Rudevich M.N. Grinkevich V.G.
Foundations:1932 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:CIS, Baltic States, Western Europe: Roumania, Poland, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Denmark, Belgium and other countries
Collection Maintains:taxa: species and intraspecific items
Addenda:of 153 genuses belonging to 59 families
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[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
[Images of some of the exhibits]
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Arboretum of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus: nursery| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Shpitalnaya T.V.  
Foundations:1932 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Maintains:taxa: species and intraspecific items
Addenda:of 81 genuses belonging to 40 families
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[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Arboretum of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus: sorts of genus Syringa L.| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Makedonskaya N.V. Garanowich I.M. 
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts
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[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Arboretum of the Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Curators:Rysenkova T.A. Kovalevskaya O.M. 
Foundations:1971 year
Name of the Institution:Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Address:220023, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Макаенка 8
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS, Ботанический сад Негорельского учебно-опытного хозяйства; Lithuania: Botanical Garden Вильнюсского пединститута
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:Семейства - 28; Роды - 64; Виды - 64; Внутривидовые таксоны - 12.
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Arboretum of Vitebsk State University
Curators:Vysotsky Ju.I. Morozov I.M. 
Foundations:1919 year
Name of the Institution:Vitebsk State University, Botanical Garden
Address:210026, Vitebsk region, Vitebsky district, Vitebsk, Коммунистическая 15
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:90 genuses belonging to 41 семейству
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[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Clematis L. and Atragene L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Switkovskaya O.  
Foundations:1976 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institutions of Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Poland
Collection Maintains:taxa: species and intraspecific items
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[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
[Images of some of the exhibits]
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Decorative arboreal plants (Torchik V.I. collection)
Curators:Torchyk V.I. Torchyk S.P. 
Foundations:1991 year
Name of the Institution:Private collection of V.I. Torchik decorative ligneous plants
Address:220025, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, ул. Есенина 19 - 219
Collection Area:Baltic States; Eastern Europe
Collection Maintains:видообразец
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Decorative Garden Forms of Arboreal Plants of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Torchyk V.I. Kholopuk G.A. 
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Maintains:taxa: species, sorts and garden forms
Addenda: of 14 genuses belonging to 6 families
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[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Forest seed plantation of Lida Forestry Farm
Curators:Glotko O.N. Roman V.B. Chodkevich A.A.
Foundations:1989 year
Name of the Institution:Lida Forestry Farm
Address:231300, Grodno region, Lidsky district, Lida, пер. Фурманова 10
Collection Maintains:деревья, шт
Addenda:Ель колючая - 185 шт, Пихта одноцветная - 174
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Forest seed plantation of дуба красного of Myadel Forestry Farm
Curators:. . 
Foundations:1995-1997 year
Name of the Institution:Myadel Forestry Farm
Address:222380, Minsk region, Myadelsky district, Myadel, Нарочанская 63
Collection Maintains:деревья,шт
Addenda:площадь посадки - 6 га
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Forest seed plantation of кедра корейского of Vileysk Forestry Farm
Curators:. . .
Foundations:1986 year
Name of the Institution:Vileyka Forestry Farm
Address:224410, Minsk region, Minsky district, г.п. Вилейка, Красноармейская 19
Collection Maintains:деревья, штуки
Addenda:площадь посадки - 1 га
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Forest seed plantation of кедра сибирского of Minsk Forestry Farm
Curators:. . .
Foundations:1993 year
Name of the Institution:Minsk Forestry Farm
Address:220037, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Багратиона 70
Collection Maintains:деревья, шт
Addenda:площадь посадки - 1 га
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Forest seed plantation of туи западной of Puhovichy Forestry Farm
Curators:. . .
Foundations:1994 year
Name of the Institution:Puhovichi Forestry Farm
Address:222810, Minsk region, Puchovitchsky district, г. Марьина Горка, Калинина 14
Collection Maintains:деревья, шт
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Nursery of ligneous decorative plants
Curators: Rysenkova T.A. 
Foundations:1980 year
Name of the Institution:Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Address:220023, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Макаенка 8
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS, БелСХА, Негорельский учебно-опытный лесхоз, Глубокский лесхоз, дендрарий РЭЦУ
Collection Maintains:taxa
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Park of Shklyarevsky Petrikovsky Forestry Farm
Foundations:1988 year
Name of the Institution:Petrikov Forestry Farm
Address:247940, Gomel region, Petrikovsky district, Petrikov, Ленина 15-а
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:площадь 9 га
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Plantation of кедра корейского of Kurenetsk Forestry Administration
Curators:Kazanovich R.M.  
Foundations:1986 year
Name of the Institution:Kurenetsk Forestry Administration of Vileyka Forestry Farm
Address:222410, Minsk region, Vilejsky district, д. Куренец, контора лесничества 
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS
Collection Maintains:штук
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Sorts of the genus Rosa L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Belavusava N.L.  
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Russia: the Main Botanical Garden of the RAS, Agricultural academy by K. Timiryazev (Moscow), State farm 'Decorative Plants' (Kabardino-Balkaria), Kaunas Botanical Garden
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts
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[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Species and Sorts of the genus Rhododendron L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Volodko I.K. Alferovich J.D. 
Foundations:1966 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Belarus: Gomel region, Brest region; Western Europe: Germany, Holland, Норвегия, Latvia, Эстония
Collection Maintains:taxa: species and sorts
Addenda:of Ericaceae
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[Images of some of the exhibits]
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Collections found: 27
