Botanical Collections of Belarus

Decorative herbals

Bulbous, small-bulbous, rhizome plants (Chupis E.K. collection)
Curators:Chupis E. K.  
Foundations:1972 year
Name of the Institution:Private collection of bulbous, small-bulbous and root plants of Chupis E.K.
Address:223051, Minsk region, Minsky district, пос. Колодищи, ул. Школьная 9а
Collection Area:Western Europe: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Germany; USA
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:тюльпаны - 380 сортов; лилии - 350; нарциссы - около 100; гиацинты - 30, мелколуковичные - около 50, ксифиумы - около 40 сортов
To the smallest detail ...
Cornflags of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Zinovich A.A. Kuznetsova T.I. 
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Russia: the Main Botanical Garden of the RAS; Latvia; Lithuania
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts
Addenda:of Acidanthera, Gladiolus, x Gladanthera (Iridaceae)
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To the smallest detail ...
Decorative annual and biennial plants of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Dubrova O.N.  
Foundations:1957 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Maintains:taxa: species anf sorts (cultivares)
Addenda:of 146 genuses belonging to 45 families
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Ephemeral Plants of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Switkovskaya O.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institutions of Russia, Ukraine, Baltic States
Collection Maintains:taxa: species and intraspecific items
Addenda:of 22 genuses 7 families
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To the smallest detail ...
Fancy plants of the Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Curators:Zhmoydyak N.R.  
Foundations:1968 year
Name of the Institution:Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Address:220023, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Макаенка 8
Collection Maintains:Сорта
Addenda:Розы - 17 сортов; Георгины - 40 сортов; Пионы - 2 вида и 15 сортов; Гладиолусы - более 20 сортов; Нарциссы - около 50 сортов; Хризантемы - более 20 сортов; Гиацинты - более 10, Лилии - около 30; Тюльпаны - около 30 сортов; Ирисы - около 10
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Flower/decorative plants of Brest Region Young Naturalists Station
Curators:Stasjukyevich H.V.  
Foundations:1990 year
Name of the Institution:Brest Region Young Naturalists Station
Address:224020, Brest region, Brestsky district, Brest, Придорожная 4-1
Collection Maintains:taxa
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Flower/decorative plants of Kobrin Young Naturalists Station
Curators:Guts N.V.  
Foundations:1975 year
Name of the Institution:Kobrin Young Naturalists Station
Address:225860, Brest region, Kobrinsky district, Kobrin, Советская 104а
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:однолетники - 50, двулетники - 10, многолетники - 22, комнатные - 53
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Flower/decorative plants of Soligorsk Young Naturalist Station
Curators:Glotko N.Ph.  
Foundations:1982 year
Name of the Institution:Soligorsk Young Naturalists Station
Address:223710, Minsk region, Soligorsky district, Soligorsk, Ленина 12 а/я 14
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:94 genuses belonging to 43 семейств
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Flower/decorative plants of the Botanical Garden of Vitebsk State University
Curators:Vysotsky Ju.I. Morozov I.M. 
Foundations:1919 year
Name of the Institution:Vitebsk State University, Botanical Garden
Address:210026, Vitebsk region, Vitebsky district, Vitebsk, Коммунистическая 15
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:227 genuses belonging to 51 семейство
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Flower/decorative plants of Zelyeonoye Agrobiostation
Curators:Fyedoruk A.T. Petuchova M.I. 
Foundations:1986 year
Name of the Institution:Belarussian State Pedagogical University, Nature Studies Faculty
Address:220809, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, ул. Советская 18
Collection Maintains:видо- и сортообразцы
Addenda:малораспространенные многолетники - 20, лилии - 33, пионы - 30, ирисы - 17, лилейники - 15
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Flower/decorative plants of Zhilichsky Technical School
Curators:Volodko G.A.  
Name of the Institution:Zhilichsky Technical School
Address:213948, Mogilev region, Kirovsky district, д. Жиличи,  
Collection Maintains:taxa
To the smallest detail ...
Genus Hemerocallis L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Borodich G.S.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institutions of Russia, Baltic States
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts and species
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To the smallest detail ...
Genus Iris L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Borodich G.S.  
Foundations:1956 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Russia: Botanical Garden of the Botanical Institution of the RAS, The Main Botanical Garden of the RAS
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts (cultivares)
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To the smallest detail ...
Genus Paeonia L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Gajchun V.V.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institution of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts and species
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To the smallest detail ...
Infrequently occuring perennials of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Lunina N.M.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Ukraine: Carpathians national park; Research institutions of Russia, Ukraine, Baltic States
Collection Maintains:taxa: species, varieties and sorts
Addenda:of 180 genuses belonging to 61 families
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To the smallest detail ...
Lilies of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Zavadskaya L.V.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institutions of Russia - Michurinsk, St.- Petersburg, Moskow, Jalta, Gatchino, Ukraine - Charkov
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts and species
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To the smallest detail ...
Ornamental plants of Belarussian Agricultural Academy
Curators:Stephanenko N.Ye.  
Name of the Institution:Belarussian Agricultural Academy, Botanical Garden
Address:213410, Mogilev region, Goretsky district, г. Горки, ул. Мичурина 5
Collection Area:Belarus: Central Botanical Garden of NAS, Могилевский зеленхоз, любители; Latvia: БС Латышской АН, Riga; Russia: the Main Botanical Garden of the RAS
Collection Maintains:taxa
Count:около 100
Addenda:тюльпаны - 60; гладиолусы: 26; нарциссы - 14; мелколуковичные - 6; розы
[Publications in Bibliotheca Botanica]
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Perennial decorative/flower plants of the Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Curators:Chotyanova O.N.  
Foundations:1968 year
Name of the Institution:Republican Ecology Children Study Center
Address:220023, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Макаенка 8
Collection Maintains:taxa
Addenda:семейств - 36; родов - 83; видов 115; внутривидовых таксонов - 8
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To the smallest detail ...
Sorts and species of the genus Tulipa L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Ryzhenkova Y.I.  
Foundations:1948 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institutions of Baltic States (Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius), Russia (St.-Petersburg, Moscow, Oryol, Klin, Sochi, Jalta), Kazakhstan (Alma-Aty), Holland
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts and species
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To the smallest detail ...
Sorts of the genus Chrysanthemum L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Belavusava N.L.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institutions of Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts
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To the smallest detail ...
Sorts of the genus Dahlia L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Korevko I.A.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research Institution of Russia, Baltic States
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts
Addenda:of 1 genera belonging to Asteraceae
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Sorts of the genus Hyacinthus L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Ryzhenkova Y.I.  
Foundations:1948 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Botanical gardens of the Baltis States (Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius), Russia (St.-Petersburg, Moscow, Orel, Klin, Sochi, Jalta), Kazakhstan (Alma-Aty), Holland
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts
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To the smallest detail ...
Sorts of the genus Narcissus L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Zavadskaya L.V.  
Foundations:1958 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Russia: the Main Botanical Garden of the RAS, Research Institution - Sochi
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts (cultivares)
Addenda:belonging to Amaryllidaceae
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To the smallest detail ...
Sorts of the genus Phlox L. of the Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus| Presented: 2015
Collection status:National Heritage of the Republic of Belarus
Curators:Gajchun V.V.  
Foundations:1957 year
Name of the Institution:Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus
Address:220012, Minsk region, Minsky district, Minsk, Surganov-street 2v
Head of the Institution:Titok V.V.
Collection Area:Research institutions of Russia
Collection Maintains:taxa: sorts
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Collections found: 24
