Iconographia Plantarum (Natural Plants and Cultivated Plants)
Pages of Iconographia Plantarum provide an opportunity to browse images of plants used in the project HBC-Info.
To obtain an image of one specific or intraspecific taxa, select family and/or genus to which the taxa belongs. Click on word “Images” in a final table with a list of specific and intraspecific taxa. |
To obtain a set of images of plants from various families, genera, species or intraspecific taxa, select division or class in select field, tick off the title you are interested in on a drop-down list and click on “Show” button. |
Quick Selection We grow: Gladioli, Irises, Atragenes & Clematises, Daylilies, Lilies, Daffodils, Rhododendrons, Lilacs, Chrysanthemums |
Families Found: 103
Date: 14-02-2025
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